Second spray over rice fields scheduled tonight
ROSEVILLE, Calif. – Seven additional mosquito samples tested positive for the West Nile virus in the rice-growing region of western Placer County.
“These samples have only come from two sites, which means these areas are hotspots for West Nile virusactivity.” stated Joel Buettner, General Manager of the Placer Mosquito and Vector Control District. District officials are responding to this development in accordance with its mosquito response plan, and are assuring the public that this is fairly typical West Nile virus activity at these locations for this time of year.
Because of the additional WNV positive samples, the District has scheduled a second aerial spray for tonight in the following areas:
- Rice fields west of Roseville to Locust Road, north of Baseline Road to Sunset Blvd West.
- Narrow corridor of rice fields in Sheridan, north of Wise Road, between North Dowd Road and Placer Road.
Since several factors affect spraying activities, such as weather and wind conditions, the District advises Placer residents to check the District website at for any changes to the spraying schedule.
“We know that West Nile virus is out there, and although we are not in a public health state of emergency, we encourage the public to take all the necessary precautions to avoid mosquito bites,” adds Buettner.
The Placer Mosquito and Vector Control District recommends that the public implement the 3 D’s of protection:
- Drain any standing water that may produce mosquitoes.
- Defend yourself and your home by using an effective insect repellent and dressing protectively when outside, and making sure screens on doors and windows are in good condition.
- Contact the District for any additional help controlling mosquitoes around your home.
For more information, residents of Placer County may contact:
Placer Mosquito and Vector Control District at (888) 768-2343 or visit
To report a dead bird or squirrel, call the California Dead Bird Hotline (877) 968-2473 or visit
2010 West Nile virus activity update:
Placer County: 1 dead bird, O sentinel chickens, 12 mosquito samples have tested positive for West Nile Virus to date.
Contact: Ada Barros, Public Information Officer (916) 380-5480.