At Placer Mosquito and Vector Control District, we have many different programs to help manage vectors and vector-borne disease risk in Placer County. From vector and disease surveillance to chemical control and community outreach, our diverse programs together help us most effectively and efficiently protect public health in Placer County.
Integrated Vector Management
The District uses an Integrated Vector Management approach to manage vector populations and risk of vector-borne disease transmission. Integrated Vector Management is a decision support system for selection and use of vector management strategies separately or in combination for an overall management approach. Decisions are based on an assessment of risk to public health posed by vectors and vector-borne disease. Integrated Vector Management also considers environmental, regulatory, economic and societal factors. IVM is the foundation of the District’s comprehensive vector control program which incorporates three basic strategies: surveillance, control and public education.
The California Department of Public Health advises all mosquito and vector control districts to operate under the principles of IVM.
The District is committed to using science based IVM practices to ensure that resources and materials are applied in the most effective, efficient and environmentally sound manner. These decision‐making guidelines for water quality monitoring and larval and adult treatment are an essential part of our IVM program.